…develop a digital platform that will enable SMEs in supply chains to transition to Net Zero.

It is our intent to …

Net Zero commitment and SMEs

  • The UK Government is committed to achieving the target of Net Zero by 2050

  • This will require major reductions in the carbon emissions of the SME population

  • There are more than 5.9 million small and medium-sized enterprises in the UK

  • They employ 16.8 million people and account for an estimated £2.3 trillion in turnover

Market opportunity

  • The transition is not only an environmental imperative, but a growth opportunity for the UK

  • Supplying goods and services to reach global net zero ambitions is estimated to be worth up to £1 trillion to UK businesses with £50-60 billion capital investment required each year

Benefits to Business

  • We can save you money – win / win improving energy efficiency and carbon reduction

  • We can help you access government contracts – by capturing social value metrics

  • We can strengthen your green brand credentials and help you be more competitive

Benefits to Local Authorities

  • We can help you benchmark SMEs in procurement supply chains

  • Demonstrate that on track to achieve government net zero targets

  • Strengthen resilience of supply chains and promote sustainable growth

Key features of the platform will include:

  1. A marketplace connecting SMEs to solutions for carbon reduction challenges. This will be organized around key activities: plug in, make and use, heat or cool, mobility

  2. Signposting to grants, loans and other forms of support that reduce the costs of solutions. With expert guidance including carbon reduction assurance schemes

  3. Measurement tools to assess carbon footprint and using AI to benchmark with insights into options. Social value tools that will enable SMEs to access government procurement

  4. Digital Twins to capture information on SME activities including equipment and process